Naloxone nasal spray is a life-saving medicine that can reverse opioid overdoses, including those caused by heroin or fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications.
It's easy to use and when given in time can quickly block the effects of opioids, allowing the person to breathe normally again within a few minutes.
If you suspect someone has overdosed on opioids, including fentanyl, using naloxone can save their life.
Learn More
Naloxone nasal spray is a medication used for the emergency treatment of opioid overdose. Opioids are a class of drugs that include prescription painkillers as well as illegal drugs. Naloxone quickly reverses an overdose by blocking the effects of opioids. It can restore normal breathing within 2 to 3 minutes in a person whose breathing has slowed, or even stopped, because of opioid overdose. More than one dose of naloxone may be required when stronger opioids like fentanyl are involved. If you must use naloxone, call 911 and remain with the individual until emergency help arrives.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 85,000 deaths in 2021 were attributed to opioid overdose. Opioids accounted for 75% of all drug overdoses in the US that year. Families with loved ones who struggle with opioid addiction should have naloxone nearby to give during an overdose and potentially save a life.
Research shows that bystanders are present in more than one in three overdoses involving opioids. With the right tools, bystanders can act to prevent overdose deaths by administering naloxone in time. Naloxone will not harm someone if they are overdosing on drugs other than opioids, so it is always best to use it if you think someone is overdosing.
For help finding treatment, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Helpline at 800-662-HELP (4357) or visit Find Treatment.gov.
Public Health Educational Resources
Additional information is available to you to learn even more about Nalozone from the following public health resources:
Stop Overdose – Lifesaving Naloxone | Center of Disease Control and Prevention (cdc.gov)
Naloxone Drug Facts | National Institute of Drug Abuse (nida.nih.gov)
Harm Reduction | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (samhsa.gov)
National Helpline | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (samhsa.gov)